Summer Activity Game: Soccer Catch

Stand an appropriate distance inĀ front of a child swinging on parallel bars or dip station and gently toss an object to that child, or choose a child to perform this function. The goal is for the child on the play apparatusĀ to catch the object with the body (feet, ankles, knees) and continue swinging. Similar to soccer, children cannot use their hands to catch the object. Children switch after a certain number of catches.

Play Element: Swinging
Extra Equipment Needed: Catchable object (small ball, bean bag, rubber critter)
  • Highlights the importance of cooperation and communication to achieve a common goal.
  • Applies movement concepts such as body awareness, force absorption and performer-object relationships.
Teaching Tips
  • Experiment with tossing at different points in the swinger's arc.
  • Ensure that there is sufficient playground safety surfacing under and around the equipment.
Safety Tip
  • Spot as needed.
  • Easier: Children kick the object rather than catching it.
  • More Challenging: Children catch the object once with ankles, then once with knees.
  • Adaptation: Children can attempt to lift their bodies using the bars or simply catch the object with their legs, knees, or feet from a seated position.
Did You Know?

Pakistan is a leading manufacturer in soccer balls.

Download the activity pdf here.

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