10 Result(s) for ""

VRPS, PlayCore, GameTime, and Cunningham Recreation are aligning resources and partnering to deploy research-based best practices across the state of Virginia. Learn more about your opportunity to share up to $1.5 million dollars in matching action funding to install a play or fitness destination that promotes best practices in the areas of inclusive play, nature integration, an/or physical activity. This webinar will highlight the program, process, and how to apply.

Join us on Monday, November 19 to hear from Dr. Stuart Brown, Founder of the National Institute for Play who will be speaking with Tom Norquist, VP of Innovation at PlayCore about why we, as humans, play.

Join the Center for Outreach, Research, & Education on Wednesday, February 26 for a webinar on using fabric shade in public, private, and commercial environments. The Shade Uncovered: Using Fabric Shade in Public, Private, and Commercial Environments presentation gives a comprehensive look at the orientation, style options, and engineering requirements when utilizing pre-engineered structures for locations such as concrete bleacher stands, grandstands school playgrounds, parks, hospitality areas, aquatic facilities, and more. During this session, attendees will learn how to design and plan spaces as a variety of options are discussed. In addition, attendees will learn how to maximize coverage and protection, minimize obstructions in spectator environments, and add the highest aesthetic value to the space.

A comprehensive school physical activity program (CSPAP) is the guiding framework for implementing physical activity opportunities across the school day and school context. The goal of a CSPAP is to provide daily opportunities and support structures for youth to engage in and benefit from a physically active lifestyle. Regular health-enhancing physical activity behaviors among youth can be accomplished across five CSPAP components: a) physical education, b) physical activity during school, c) physical activity before and after school, d) staff involvement, and e) family and community engagement. This comprehensive approach to active school settings has advanced evidence-based practices and opportunities for community collaborations.

Bike Parking Standards and Installation: The growth of bike use for transportation has increased significantly in the past decade and as a result, deliberate attention to bike parking is needed now more than ever. Bike storage facilities have become an integral part of new developments and are touted as a premium asset in commercial and residential properties. This session provides a fundamental approach to comprehensive bike parking standards, from selecting the right equipment to adequately preparing the space. The Bike Parking Standards and Installation session provides the expertise to improve bike storage to meet the needs of both the developer and the end-user. Join architects, landscape architects, engineers and recreation and park professionals for a complimentary professional development webinar.

Join us for a virtual chat with leading international scholars on the topic as they share their research-based recommendations and answer your questions.

Natural Harmony™: An Instrumental Guide to Blending Outdoor Music & Community: Music parks benefit every member of the community, but few communities have a music program available and affordable to everyone. A permanent installation of instruments changes that. A simplified system allows anyone to play, regardless of training or ability, and instruments can be designed for individual and ensemble play. Music transcends age, gender, ethnicity and mobility, and is a gathering force that builds better communities and helps makes people kinder. Join property managers, distributors, architects, landscape architects, and recreation and park professionals for a complimentary professional development webinar.

Explore evidence-based health benefits of water immersion, share meaningful facility design strategies, and review ADA and ABA guidelines to make your facility a place for everyBODY to enjoy.

SCRPA, PlayCore, and GameTime are aligning resources and strategically partnering to promote best practices in parks and recreation, provide quality education, and arm communities with evidence-based resources.

Learn more about planning and designing off-leash dog parks. Register today for our upcoming complimentary development webinar, on Wednesday, August 19 at 2 p.m. EST.