
The Science of Play - Facebook Live Event

Monday, November 19, 2018, 11:00am - 11:30am  


Dr.-Stuart-Brown.png#asset:4189Dr. Stuart Brown, Founder of the National Institute for Play

PlayCore is proud to partner with Dr. Brown on furthering the advancement of play and helping our world understand the critical importance of participating in play throughout life. Our work together has resulted in several play concepts that promote attunement, and we are excited at the opportunities for ongoing work and promoting the value of play.

Learn more about Dr. Brown and read his blog at www.playcore.com/drstuartbrown.

Tom-Norquist-2.png#asset:4108Tom Norquist, Senior Vice President of Innovation and Business Development, PlayCore

Over the past five years, Tom has led Dr. Stuart Brown’s National Institute for Play (NIFP) Board and is the project co-leader of the first known on-line database of scientific and academic research creating a cohesive picture about the proven scientific benefits of play.

Read more about Tom and his lifelong dedication to enhancing play and recreation.

Read Bio


COMING SOON - The Science of Play™

We are partnering with Dr. Brown to publish The Science of Play™, a treatise of articles about the inherent human instinct to play. Why it is our heritage as humans is to play, and why we are built to play and built by play.

By understanding more about play, for you, your children or grandchildren, you will gain fresh vitality. Adults do not need to forsake their responsibilities to enjoy the life-enhancing benefits of play. - Dr. Stuart Brown

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