10 Result(s) for ""

Milwaukee County Department of Parks, Recreation & Culture has revamped their Summer Youth Employment Program.

Research has shown the importance between recess and a child's cognitive development.

To encourage individuals and families to focus on illness prevention, not just treatment, legislators introduced The Personal Health Investment Today Act.

To understand the impact of local parks and recreation, the National Recreation & Park Association surveyed 1,000 American adults.

The Washington State Parks Foundation is using video feeds to virtually transport students to far-away places they'd otherwise never experience.

We know through our research that play is a powerful stimulant in developing children.

Dog ownership continues to increase across all demographics. As a result, off-leash dog parks have become the fastest growing segment of parks.

The House Appropriations Committee recently approved a fiscal year 2018 spending bill that eliminates all funding for the TIGER grant program.

To increase kids' interest in science, technology, engineering, and math, the Children’s Discovery Museum in Normal, IL hosted a pushcart derby race.

To help prevent bicycle and pedestrian accidents at night, a rural town in Poland has created a glow-in-the-dark path.