10 Result(s) for "surfacing"

Aquatic Surfacing

Today, spray parks, water playgrounds, and pool decks are beginning a similar evolution.

Surfacing Play Value

Each play environment can have its own unique way of infusing play opportunities into surfacing options through a combination of the highlighted examples below.

Surfacing Types - Features & Benefits

Surfacing options for playgrounds are generally divided into two categories: loose-fill and unitary. These options can be combined in a variety of ways or used

Playground Surfacing Maintenance Guide

Well-maintained playground surfacing should be capable of attenuating a fall from the equipment's established fall height.

History of Playground Surfacing

Ever since playgrounds were first developed in American cities as a reaction to the industrialization of America, people have been concerned with playground saf

Enhancing the User Experience with Playground Surfacing

Playground surfacing options offer a vast array of opportunities to infuse play value into the overall design of the environment.

Installation and Maintenance Guidelines for Playground Surfacing

Proper installation and maintenance of your playground surfacing is key to protecting your investment.

Case Example: Use a Variety of Surfacing Options to Promote Inclusion

A Dream Come True park, in Harrisburg, VA, incorporates a variety of elements to ensure that children of all abilities can play together.

New Programs - Available Now!

We are excited to be releasing two new program updates on dog parks and surfacing.

Case Study: A Unique Children's Museum

Surfacing in the Children's Museum of the Upstate complements the space and provides routes of travel to promote explorations in a fun, outdoor environment.