5 Result(s) for "funding"

VRPS, PlayCore, GameTime, and Cunningham Recreation are aligning resources and partnering to deploy research-based best practices across the state of Virginia. Learn more about your opportunity to share up to $1.5 million dollars in matching action funding to install a play or fitness destination that promotes best practices in the areas of inclusive play, nature integration, an/or physical activity. This webinar will highlight the program, process, and how to apply.

WVRPA, PlayCore, and GameTime are aligning resources and strategically partnering to promote best practices in parks and recreation, provide quality education, and arm communities with evidence-based resources.

How you begin to work the concepts through project development including a public process will demonstrate the ability to create a successful project application for LWCF State Assistance Program.

CPRS, PlayCore, and GameTime are strategically partnering to support and promote "Parks Make Life Better!" through education and funding opportunities.

NCRPA, PlayCore, and GameTime are strategically partnering to support and promote "Parks Make Life Better!" through education and funding opportunities.