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The webinar will show design considerations and implications through inspiring case examples to help communities champion water play as a valid solution to healthier, happier communities.

Socio-economic inequitable access to nature, parks, and recreation has been long standing across the globe with direct and indirectly disproportionate impacts on various people - the culturally and linguistically diverse; indigenous, black, and brown communities; low socio-economic communities; the aged and women; casual workforce status communities; and LGBTQ. COVID-19 not only highlighted but also accelerated these inequities, resulting in heightened demands for equitable access to quality public parks and recreation. International speakers in this session will focus on how you can use data to understand the inequities in your park and recreation system and explore strategies for addressing equitable access to quality parks and the equitable provision of recreation programs and facilities.

Join the Center for Outreach, Research, & Education for a webinar on using fabric shade in public, private, and commercial environments. The Shade (Un)Covered: Using Fabric Shade in Public, Private, and Commercial Environments presentation gives a comprehensive look at the orientation, style options, and engineering requirements when utilizing pre-engineered structures for locations such as concrete bleacher stands, grandstands school playgrounds, parks, hospitality areas, aquatic facilities, and more. During this session, attendees will learn how to design and plan spaces as a variety of options are discussed. In addition, attendees will learn how to maximize coverage and protection, minimize obstructions in spectator environments, and add the highest aesthetic value to the space.

Come see the latest innovation in park environments! PlayCore and its family of brands will be introducing new research, new programs, and new products to create fun, active destinations for people of all ages and abilities.

This session will describe the methods of collecting data from summer 2021 on the use of and physical activity in 60 playgrounds in 10 U.S. cities: San Francisco, Seattle, Los Angeles, Chicago, Denver, Cincinnati, Memphis (Tennessee), New York City, Boston and Houston. While 30 playgrounds had an innovative design, the other 30 were post and platform playgrounds. More than 33,000 visitors were observed. We found that innovatively designed playgrounds attracted 44 percent more users, and specific design features like swings, climbing apparatus, mature tree landscaping and the presence of restrooms were associated with attracting more users. Many other features also were associated with longer durations of stay. Individuals living within a half-mile of a playground, visited playgrounds three-times as often as those who lived more than one mile away.

Good News: In Parks Season 3 will bring you more good news directly from the parks and recreation field. Join leading professionals who discuss their challenges, solutions, and plans for the future!