Water Immersion Works®

Research-Based Health Benefits of Aquatic Immersion and Activity

Water Immersion Works®

Research-Based Health Benefits of Aquatic Immersion and Activity

Water Immersion Works® is a unique aquatics vignettes collection by some of the most respected aquatic scholars. The publication highlights the many research-based benefits of water immersion and activity, how it improves our health, and how it empowers communities to advocate for the overall health of every individual, uniting families, and building communities. Water immersion topics include biological benefits, increasing energy, strengthening muscles, promoting balance, and benefits related to cardio metabolic responses to name a few. Aquatic scholar contributors include Thomas Lachocki, Ph.D., Bruce Becker, M.D., Steven Blair, P.E.D., Eadric Bressel, Ph.D, Paul Chantler, Ph.D, Dennis Dolny, Ph.D., Elizabeth “Betsy” Nagle, Ph.D., Jacquelyn Ann Nagle, Ph.D., and Hirofumi Tanaka, Ph.D.

Water Immersion Works® is a unique aquatics vignettes collection by some of the most respected aquatic scholars. The publication highlights the many research-based benefits of water immersion and activity, how it improves our health, and how it empowers communities to advocate for the overall health of every individual, uniting families, and building communities. Water Immersion Works explains a number of benefits to water-activity benefits, including well-known ones such as increased blood flow to the brain and reduced blood pressure, and more obscure benefits such as the enhancement of bone formation. The report also addresses how aquatic activities can improve the lives of certain populations, such as those suffering post-traumatic stress disorder.

The Water Immersion Works book can help pool owners understand and educate themselves on something they deeply care about, community health through swimming and water activities. The information found in this book can help families realize the many different benefits of water immersion and how it can help the health of children, parents, and grandparents.

Our Advisory Network

Bruce Becker, MD

Director, National Aquatics & Sports Medicine Institute

Eadric Bressel, PhD

Head of the Department of Kinesiology and Health Science, Utah State University

Paul Chantler, PhD

Associate Professor, Division of Exercise Physiology, School of Medicine, West Virginia University

Dennis Dolny, PhD

Department Head, Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Department, Utah State University

Elizabeth “Betsy” Nagle, PhD, FACSM

FACSM, Assistant Professor and Graduate Faculty, Department of Health and Physical Activity, University of Pittsburgh

Jacquelyn Ann Nagle, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Counseling and Exercise Science, John Carroll University

Hirofumi Tanaka, PhD

Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, University of Texas at Austin

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