Lou Fineberg, National Advocacy Accounts Manager
Lou Fineberg is Dero’s National Advocacy Accounts Manager. He supports bike advocacy organizations nationwide providing technical training and business programming strategies to help them provide bike parking expertise in their communities. Fineberg was a founder of Bike Pittsburgh and helped lead the organization in multiple roles for a decade. As Bike Pittsburgh’s Business Program Director, he developed a bike friendly business program that integrated consulting services with commuter choice programming, working with companies like Google, Alcoa, and BNY Mellon. Fineberg helped bring attention to Pittsburgh’s cumbersome bike parking regulations that have since been modernized and expanded. He has authored two books – Three Rivers on Two Wheels and Urban Biking Companion – to help bicyclists safely navigate his hometown of Pittsburgh.
Lou adds,"The bike to me is the perfect invention, practical, fun, low cost, and healthy; I use one to commute, run errands, and explore places when I travel."