Professional Development

Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs

A comprehensive school physical activity program (CSPAP) is the guiding framework for implementing physical activity opportunities across the school day and school context. The goal of a CSPAP is to provide daily opportunities and support structures for youth to engage in and benefit from a physically active lifestyle. Regular health-enhancing physical activity behaviors among youth can be accomplished across five CSPAP components: a) physical education, b) physical activity during school, c) physical activity before and after school, d) staff involvement, and e) family and community engagement. This comprehensive approach to active school settings has advanced evidence-based practices and opportunities for community collaborations.

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to competently:

  • Describe the CSPAP framework and the many benefits of a comprehensive approach to active schools on youth, schools, and local communities.
  • Explain key strategies for implementing a CSPAP and components of it.
  • Identify effective evidence-based practices across the five CSPAP components, diverse school contexts and unique community settings.
  • Identify approaches to guide CSPAP collaboration within local communities.
  • Identify latest CSPAP resources for advancing evidence-based practice and community collaborations.

Learn more about Youth Physical Activity

Explore Youth Physical Activity Research.
