Helping you make your mark

Landscape architects make the world more beautiful. We're here to help!

Bringing People to Nature

In collaboration with leaders and scholars, our Center for Outreach, Research, & Education (CORE) gathers and shares knowledge to positively advance Community Vitality through four integral service areas. Explore our Resource Library and planning tools to design partnerships that provide outcomes data reports to your clients. We want to make your job a little easier, so come check out a few of our most popular resources and sign up at the bottom of the page for updates and complimentary professional development opportunities!

Resource Library

Browse our collection of evidence-based publications fueled by the research from our Research Institute, time-tested, and put into practice by organizations around the world.

Explore the Resources

Professional Development Hub

Earn CEUs with free courses that you'll actually enjoy, from the scholars and experts that inform our work. Use Code COMMUNITY

Check out our upcoming events!

Data Service Lab

Discover how to create nature spaces that provides your customer with user data reports and Community Vitality outcomes.

Learn How

Play Value Plant Database

Select plants by their play value, like those that promote sensory attributes, attract butterflies or birds, provide "loose parts" for play, or a host of other playful traits.

View the Plant Database


NatureGrounds Best Practice guidelines to deliberately design nature back into children’s lives to benefit children’s play, physical activity levels, and to create richer play experiences for all users.

Request NatureGrounds

Pathways for Play

Pathways for Play intentionally integrates play into community pathway networks to provide opportunities for playing along the way and encourage use by children and families.

Request Pathways for Play

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