CORE Professional Development

Request Forms

Professional Development Intake Form

Please submit this form for non-conference-related proposals (e.g., Webinars, Lunch and Learns, etc.). Provide details on when, where, and what session(s) you will offer.

Please include as much information as possible to assist us in preparing the necessary materials for shipping.

Ensure that all sessions are submitted at least two weeks before your event to allow ample time to properly ship materials.

Professional Development Intake Form

Conference Proposal Request

Please use this form exclusively to request conference proposals to be turned in by CORE.

All sessions will be considered general sessions unless specified otherwise for keynotes, workshops, site visits, etc.

If the organization accepts your proposal, kindly fill out the session intake form below. This will enable us to prepare your marketing and session materials.

Please note that CORE is not responsible for providing CEUs for conference sessions unless otherwise specified.

For questions, please contact us at

Conference Proposal Request

Below you will find useful CORE Certified Material that will help you when organizing your event/session.

Session Prep Checklist


Site Visit Checklist


Support Services
